What is your favorite React stack?
Even though the tech stack varies from developer to developer, the most popular stack is used in react boilerplate project code. It mainly uses Redux and redux-saga for state management and asynchronous side-effects, react-router for routing purpose, styled-components for styling react components, axios for invoking REST api, and other supported stack such as webpack, reselect, ESNext, Babel.
You can clone the project https://github.com/react-boilerplate/react-boilerplate and start working on any new react project.
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- ### What is the difference between Real DOM and Virtual DOM?
Below are the main differences between Real DOM and Virtual DOM,
| Real DOM | Virtual DOM |
| ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ |
| Updates are slow | Updates are fast |
| DOM manipulation is very expensive. | DOM manipulation is very easy |
| You can update HTML directly. | You Can’t directly update HTML |
| It causes too much of memory wastage | There is no memory wastage |
| Creates a new DOM if element updates | It updates the JSX if element update |